Friday, July 22, 2011

Dog Days

1. If you didn't know the origination of that phrase, here you go. Oppressive Heat is another apt phrase. It's been so hot this week that even Alex, who previously seemed impervious to heat, is lying around inside instead of playing outside. Of course, my friends in Texas have been experiencing this for weeks. Now, ladies, I feel your pain.

2. My life is bonkers; this is a well known fact. So, in keeping with that, I picked the hottest week of the year to finally get around to ordering the mulch I needed for the front flower bed and my ailing dogwood that I'm trying to save. I even spent time yesterday (early in the morning and early in the evening) spreading it so that it's about half done. Maybe it's just me that's bonkers.

3. No, my kids are bonkers, too. So to keep them from doing something completely destructive today because they are so bored because they can't go outside because it's TOO DARN HOT, we're going to the Aquarium with a friend. For the most part, the animal exhibitions are air conditioned. And so is the car. I love air conditioning.

4. My stitching is going slower than I'd like because, well, my life is bonkers, and I'm starting to worry that I won't make my deadline. Maybe for my birthday (which is next week), my husband will give me a whole day to stitch. Here's the progress:


5. The bug fight goes on. There are less of them, yes, but still enough to annoy us. A new supply of poison should come in the mail tomorrow. Yeah! I like nothing so well as seeing the dead corpses of bed bugs being sucked up into my vacuum.

6. One of our favorite babysitters has agreed to come Sunday night so Marshall and I can go to the movies. Since our house isn't completely bug free yet, I've been hesitant to ask anyone over. It's unlikely he would take any bugs home with him, but still, it feels like having the plague. Anyway, I sweetened the deal by promising a nice roast beef dinner for us all together before Marshall and I leave for Captain America: The First Avenger. Yes, I know we haven't seen Harry yet, but we figure it will still be playing in San Diego when we get there next month and we can talk grandparents and auntie into babysitting for free.

7. My mother's book, Bathsheba's Lament, continues to earn praises and recognition from among a growing number of readers. There is a great review of it on the International Christian Fiction Writers' blog that you must read! There is another awesome review of Bathsheba's Lament on LeAnne Hardy's blog. Read it here. Remember, if you haven't already ordered a copy, you will find it available here, or, if you are a local fan, you can purchase my last remaining copy of the book.

If you've read the book and enjoyed it, won't you please consider writing a review on Amazon for her? Click here.

And here's Jen

1 comment:

linda said...

I'm loving that all the 7QuickTakes posts I'm reading have been talking about how hot it is. It feels like a bonding experience. I'm commenting from Texas, going on over 30 days of 3 digit degree weather.