2. My mother helped me to make fudge and find containers for it before she left so I have already dispensed it to all of Alex & Miranda's teachers, aides and therapists at school. His total was 9 people and hers was 12. But in the name of Christ, I bless them all! A small box of fudge is only a token gift to acknowledge all they do for us.
3. We have a busy weekend planned. Tonight we have a sitter for the kids so we can attend the Youth Ministry Christmas party (the only event all year I make my husband attend and socialize with all of my peeps and their spouses from Youth Ministry) even though he's already a little partied out since the SIG Christmas party was last night (staff only). Saturday night, our sitter is coming back (after spending her week mired in finals--bless her!) so we can go out, just the two of us, have a nice dinner and see The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader. So far it's getting middling reviews, but we haven't decided whether or not to see it in 3D. Ebert advises against it.
4. My parents returned safely to Madison, WI, last weekend and we miss them already, but it was a great visit. They leave for southern CA in a few days to attend the wedding of the daughter of a good friend, spend time with my brothers and their wives (perhaps there will be some tiling of a kitchen floor involved--stay tuned for pictures of another of my father's tiling masterpieces!), and then head down to San Diego to settle in with my Aunt Katie and her family for a great Christmas together. We are sorry to miss it but have no regrets about declining to fly with Miranda.
5. Both kids were fighting off colds this week but, praise God, they never got sick enough to miss a day of school. Neither of them have been absent a day yet this school year, which is a miracle. God is good! Now if I can just convince Miranda that noses should be wiped with tissues (instead of blankets, towels, sleeves, floors, etc.) life would be a little easier. Silly woozle.
6. I still have 4 copies of my mother's book available for purchase, if you are a local fan.

Or, if you are a long-distance fan, you can find it here.
7. Our Christmas letter is written and should be posted sometime in the next few days. I will have a link here as well as on Facebook early next week. We have so much to be thankful for this year, especially when it was a tough year for much of our family and many of our friends. But God continues to answer our prayers, small and large, and we are delighted when our experiences bless others. Say it with me: God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!
And here's Jen.
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