1. I have the plague. Or, rather, the staph infection my doctor thought I had last week (4 days of a nasty antibiotic Thurs-Sun) really wasn't since it kept spreading further down my body so the second diagnosis was a fungal infection and here's 2 different steroids to take for a week. Thankfully, the polka-dotted Sarah is fading slowly but life on steroids is well, a little weird. I was trying to describe it to my poor husband the other night while he was repairing drywall damage in the living room that I was a different kind of crazy this week because of the meds; somehow, he didn't find that very comforting. For example, this week, my brain is always a little off-balance and my eyes have difficulty focusing and I get hot flashes after taking one of the drugs. Too weird. However, there have been some useful side-effects...
2. Since I was nearly sleepless on Monday because of the steroids and on Tuesday because Alex was having a bad night, I was kept upright almost entirely by my medication on Wednesday, even going so far as to travel to and from church in the dark (I took the back roads which are very familiar and drove a lot more slowly than usual) for a Youth Ministry Team Meeting. It was amazing. And this morning I disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled the interior of the refrigerator. I can't decide if that was because of the steroids, the fact that we've spent much of the last week moving and sorting and cleaning half of our possessions and I just got into that groove, or this is how I'm coping with the stress of this remodeling project. Whatever the reason, my fridge looks and smells good for the first time in a while.
3. Also, since I had a sitter for the afternoon to entertain the children so I could get stuff done (like run those niggling kinds of errands where you have to scour 4 or 5 stores looking for one thing--this is why I do so much shopping online now!) I knew I had time to clean the fridge. Although, I did go out and do some grocery shopping after the fridge and before Miranda's bus (the reason the fridge was so easy to clean is that it was more than half empty) but I ran into a friend at Wegman's and chatted for a while and so didn't get home quite in time for the bus. I met the bus at the end of our block, feeling just a little foolish. Still, Miranda wasn't upset and neither was the driver, so no harm done.
4. Also, on Wednesday, I joined Alex's class on a trip to the farm for a wagon ride, pick a pumpkin to take home, and run through the corn maze as fast as possible (he did the latter without any help from me). It was a fun trip and I continue to be impressed with his teacher.
You can see more Fall pictures here. I will be making the same trip to the same farm on Monday with Miranda's class.
5. If you missed my mention of it in the last few weeks, my mother's book is now in print!

If you haven't already ordered a copy for yourself, do so now! You can find it available here. My autographed copy arrived today--happy reading! If you live in South Jersey, the author will be visiting for Thanksgiving and will be happy to sign your copies in person!
6. The remodel project has slowed down a little bit (moving furniture and hundreds of books is an exciting way to start and great for satisfying my need to clean something that is actually dirty) but repairing drywall and spackling--which is what Marshall's been doing since then--doesn't make for good pictures. Sorry. Here, however, is Miranda at the entrance to the living room, which is obviously barred from small persons to as not to irritate Daddy the remodeling artist:
7. The week has gone remarkably well, now that I reflect upon it, considering I have been ill for at least 10 days with a creeping fungus (okay, ewww) and we have upset both children by rearranging every room but the kitchen and bathroom. God is gracious, every day.
Bonus 8. Mimi the Great is feeling well enough to come up and visit tomorrow for lunch. Woohoo! She will not be driving herself, so have no fear. Marshall and I make really good chauffeurs.
And here's Jen.
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