Thursday, February 10, 2011

Signs of Hope

I have been watching these little green sprigs growing for about a week and then yesterday--Poof! A flower! I will grab onto this visceral reminder that winter is not forever and hold onto it tightly! It's still absolutely frigid outside and the world still seems covered in ice (although patches of grass are peeking through), but spring is coming.

I also had a great meeting with Alex's teacher and case manager this morning and we shared equally about how we can continue to encourage him both at home and at school, because he has been struggling, especially with the winter blah's. So join me in blessing Miss Pam and Miss Kathy, the aide who works with Alex, as I do daily. They are wonderful! And God seems to work daily through them to help my sweet boy.

I will still post tomorrow, but I had to share the good news. And this hilarious picture:


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